Pronouns : She/Her/Hers

Locations : Online, Chiddingfold Surrey




Registered Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist [CHNC], Functional Medicine, Advanced Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coach.

Functional Medicine University of America

Phil Parker Training Institute

One of Many ICF Accredited


Female Health and balance.

IBS, Bloating, Hormone inbalance and issues, Eczema, Acne, Teenage Skin, Dry Skin, Psocriasis, Rosacea, Urticaria, Allergies and intolerances, Autoimmune conditions, Fatigue, Complex and Chronic problems. Meal Plans

Specific Tests that can be carried out:

Microbiome Testing

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth [SIBO]

Gi360 Comprehensive Stool Analysis

Full Thyroid Screen

DUTCH test - female or male hormone panel

Adrenal Test

Food Intolerance

DNA Test for detox, hormones

Blood Cholesterol, Immunity, Blood sugar

ARL Hair Mineral Testing


Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00 depending on availability

Programmes and Plans:

Acorn £475.00

Sapling £1,200

Oak £1,300

Meal/Menu Cooking Plan £250

Tests provided at additional cost and in consultation with you. Tests range from £50 to £450

If not health, what else?

At the fig tree clinic we focus on an integrated approach to your wellbeing. The beauty of our naturopathic approach is that it considers the whole person. Using a holistic system of medicine we identify the causes rather than simply treating the symptoms of your health concerns.

The body is a powerful self healer and our treatment plans harness this self healing capacity whilst supporting you discover the not so obvious underlying causes of your health conditions.

Health conditions are a signpost or shout out from your knowledgeable body on what needs some attention and TLC. With our programmes and our ability to complete comprehensive testing we can help soothe your body and rebalance the body systems.

I work collaboratively with other practitioners where you request this to ensure a collective understanding of what will support your better health.

We all have times when we feel our body is not behaving as we want or expect it to. We can evaluate your health, diet and lifestyle to identify areas which may be out of balance. With this knowledge and guidance we can bring you back to optimal health, you can gain control of your health and enable you to make thoughtful and informed decisions regarding your own care.

If you’d like to find out more about how I can support you and how you can improve your health and wellbeing I’d love to hear from you.


5 Appointments

3 Email Check ins

2 Phone Calls


12 Sessions

5 Email Check ins

3 Phone Calls

Dedicated coaching time to focus on intransigent issues


14 Appointments

6 Email Check ins

6 Phone Check ins


Visit local shops and markets

Advice on larder and cupboards

Cooking demonstration and recipes