
I have always appreciated the synchronicity of coming across a great book, video, or podcast just when the subject started to come into my consciousness. I hope this section may do the same for you

Esther Perel is recognized as one of today’s most insightful and original voices on modern relationships

Claudia Winkleman and Professor Tanya Byron identify real life struggles faced by people who share their story in a one-time unscripted session.

Emily Anhalt shares her experiences as both therapist and client to make a compelling case that therapy isn't just a means to an end

Amy Cuddy on TED talk sharing how your body language may shape who you are

Karissa Sanbonmatsu shares epigentic findings of gender

Richard Reeves research into contemporary challenges for men and boys in society

Feeling a fraud? You’re in great company Maya Angelou and Albert Einstein have too. Elizabeth Cox shares her insights